Castello di ripa d'orcia

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Farm Castello di ripa d'orcia
Farm Castello di ripa d'orcia_winter
Farm Castello di ripa d'orcia
Farm Castello di ripa d'orcia
Farm Castello di ripa d'orcia
Farm Castello di ripa d'orcia
Farm Castello di ripa d'orcia
Farm Castello di ripa d'orcia
Farm Castello di ripa d'orcia
Farm Castello di ripa d'orcia

a strapiombo sul fiume orcia
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A few places are now witnesses of medieval life, and even more 'rare are the castles, where the enthusiast can groped to understand the past glories, the heroic exploits and fairs fratricidal struggles that marked the era more' evocative and mysterious our history. Among the castles of Tuscany, the symbol of the spirit of independence and daring individual, is to be counted without a doubt the Castle of Ripa d'Orcia, Castello Piccolomini-Clementini, which lies remote, lonely, majestic fortress in the face to waver. After the last bend in the road from S. Quirico leads, appears suddenly, just beyond the point where the right is the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, the unmistakable profile of the Castle of Ripa d'Orcia. From the dense undergrowth of evergreen emerges from this view, only the squat and imposing battlements, and all around, the defensive settlement consists of the fortified town. Faced with this rare example of a fortified settlement perfectly preserved, the careful observer come to mind images of the distant past lives and the lives of its ancient castle and noble warriors. (In this regard it is of real fascination to re-read the rules for strict discipline and good government of the castle which is reproduced in the end.

Toscana Farm - Valdorcia Farm - Località Ripa d'orcia Castiglione d'orcia Farm

in the country absolutely quiet position own restaurant parking lot flat standard room single room double room WC shower kitchenette
Castello di ripa d'orcia
Via della contea, 1-12
53023 Località Ripa d'orcia Castiglione d'orcia  
Valdorcia - Toscana
Tel: ++39 0577897376
Fax: ++39 0577898038
Description of way

Farm Località Ripa d'orcia Castiglione d'orcia
Farm Valdorcia
Farm Toscana